JavaScript Toolkit



This page contains the source code to a range of JavaScript code elements that we have found useful when developing EIS pages for Brio Intelligence. The bulk of the code is made up of a range of utility functions but we have also included some code fragments to show the way these can be used. An appreciation of the standards we use for Brio development is recommended – document details available on request.

The code is grouped into a number of areas – the table of contents below shows the overall organisation


General utility functions.
showDeveloperView .
Logon functions
sample code for a Process button. 3
Controlling limits.
Validation functions.
Formatting functions


General utility functions


 Show or hide the toolbars, section catalog etc. We also hide all sections that end users are not likely to use – usually the query sections but could also include results sets.  

This version also creates default file export names – the file name for export is defined as a global and we use different default export directories in production and test.


-- Function: showDeveloperView
-- Parameters: abShow - true/false
-- Turn catalog, toolbars etc on/off according to parameter
function showDeveloperView(abShow){

var nSecNum; //Number of Sections
var nSecCount; //Section count

ShowSectionTitleBar = true;
ShowMenuBar = true;
ShowCatalog = abShow;
ShowStatusBar = abShow;

Toolbars["Sections"].Visible = abShow;
Toolbars["Formatting"].Visible = abShow;
Toolbars["Standard"].Visible = abShow;

//Loop turning section properties on/off
nSecNum = ActiveDocument.Sections.Count;
for (nSecCount = 1; nSecCount <= nSecNum; nSecCount++){

   if ( (ActiveDocument.Sections[nSecCount].Type != bqEIS) && (ActiveDocument.Sections[nSecCount].Type != bqReport) ) {
      ActiveDocument.Sections[nSecCount].Visible = abShow;
   ActiveDocument.Sections[nSecCount].ShowOutliner = abShow;
} //end for

//Developer objects on Selector
Sections["Selector"].Shapes["cbGlobals"].Visible = abShow;
Sections["Selector"].Shapes["cbGlobals"].Enabled = abShow;
Sections["Selector"].Shapes["cbTest"].Visible = abShow;
Sections["Selector"].Shapes["cbTest"].Enabled = abShow;

//Set export file location
g_sFileName = abShow ? g_sDevExportDir : g_sPrdExportDir
g_sFileName += g_sExportName
Console.Writeln('Export file '+ g_sFileName)

g_showDeveloperView = showDeveloperView;  // define global version



Logon functions



Connects to database – will disconnect first. Assumes globals for User ID and Password have been defined in the EIS – these are supplied as parameters.


-- Function: reconnect
-- Result: boolean true if connected, else false
-- Parameters: asQuery - Section Name
-- asId - Userid
-- asPw - Password
-- Disconnect and reconnect query to database
function reconnect( asQuery, asId, asPw) {

var sOCEName = ActiveDocument. Sections[ asQuery].DataModel.Connection.Filename

//Disconnect from database
ActiveDocument.Sections[ asQuery ].DataModel.Connection.Disconnect();

//Reload OCE in case details have changed
ActiveDocument. Sections[ asQuery ].DataModel.Connection.Open(sOCEName);

// Set Query connection parameters
ActiveDocument.Sections[ asQuery ].DataModel.Connection.Username = asId;
ActiveDocument.Sections[ asQuery ].DataModel.Connection.SetPassword( asPw );

// Log Query on to database
ActiveDocument.Sections[ asQuery ].DataModel.Connection.Connect();
} catch(errConnect) {
Alert('Database connection error: '+errConnect.toString())
return false;

// Connected OK
return true;

g_reconnect = reconnect;  // define global version





We will often show the name of the OCE being used on an EIS page. We will also show the SID (for Oracle databases). This is helpful in a production environment where database locations can vary and a query using the wrong database can cause problems.


-- Function: showOCEDetails
-- Result: 
-- Parameters: asQuery - Section Name
-- asLabel - Label on Logon page to update
-- updates OCE details on Logon page
function showOCEDetails(asQuery,asLabel){

ActiveDocument.Sections["Logon"].Shapes[asLabel].Text = ActiveDocument.Sections[asQuery].DataModel.Connection.Filename + ' 
- ' +ActiveDocument.Sections[asQuery].DataModel.Connection.HostName
Console.Writeln('OCE details updated')

g_showOCEDetails = showOCEDetails; // define global version




sample code for a Process button

-- Project: XYZ
-- Desc: Process queries if connected
--ChngLog Author Reason
-- 09Jul01 ANT Created

//If any query unconnected - go to logon section
if ( ActiveDocument.Sections["Received Query"].DataModel.Connection.Connected == false || 
ActiveDocument.Sections["Returned Query"].DataModel.Connection.Connected 
==false || 
ActiveDocument.Sections["Issued Query"].DataModel.Connection.Connected 
== false ) {
Alert("You are not connected to XYZ - Please logon to Process","Connect Error");
} //end connect test

//Disconnect from Queries and then Reconnect - in case of timeout
if( g_reconnect( "Query", g_sXYZId, g_sXYZPassword ) ){
// add limit setting code here
// add limit copying from earlier sections
} else {




Controlling limits

This is probably the biggest category of utilities. We have found it extremely useful to create a wide range of utility functions to control limit dialogs. We will often rely on a variable limit dialog rather than coding the limit functionality onto the EIS page.

Many of these functions will be varied slightly to suit the query in which they are used – default date ranges being a good example.



A very simple utility to put a selected value into a limit.

-- Function: setLimitValue
-- Parameters: asQueryName, asLimitName, adValue,adOperator
-- Set custom limit on <asLimitName> in section <asQueryName>
-- to <adValue> using <adOperator>
-- set single value in limit
function setLimitValue(asQueryName, asLimitName, advalue,adOperator) {

var oLimit = ActiveDocument.Sections[asQueryName].Limits[asLimitName];

oLimit.Operator = adOperator;


g_setLimitValue = setLimitValue; // define global version





It’s quite helpful to remove previous entries from variable limits – it forces the user to enter something and also avoids the inadvertent use of pre-selected values.


-- Function: deselectVarLimits
-- Remove SelectedValues for any variable Limits
-- 05Dec02 ANT Created
function deselectVarLimits(){

var nSecNum; //Number of Sections
var nSecCount; //Section count
var oSection; //Section
var nLmt; //Limit Count

//Loop for all sections
nSecNum = ActiveDocument.Sections.Count;
for (nSecCount = 1; nSecCount <= nSecNum; nSecCount++){
oSection = ActiveDocument.Sections[nSecCount];

   if( oSection.Type == bqQuery ) {

//Loop for Limits in Section
      for (nLmt = 1; nLmt <= oSection.Limits.Count; nLmt++){
      } //end Limit loop
   } // end if right section type

} //end Section loop
g_deselectVarLimits = deselectVarLimits;  // define global version





One of a number of default date ranges.


-- Function: limitByWeek
-- Parameters: asQueryName, asLimitName, adDate
-- Set custom limit on <asLimitName> in section <asQueryName>
-- to <adDate> between 00:00:00 one week ago and 23:59:59 yesterday
function limitByWeek(asQueryName, asLimitName, adDate) {

// dates are objects &v passed by ref - we'll make two new objects

var dStart = new Date(Date.parse(adDate.toGMTString())) - 7;
var dEnd = new Date(Date.parse(adDate.toGMTString()));
//Start datetime is beginning of supplied date


//End datetime is 1 second to midnight


var oLimit = ActiveDocument.Sections[asQueryName].Limits[asLimitName];


g_limitByWeek = limitByWeek;  // global version





Set the limit to a specified 24 hour range – usually yesterday.




--   Function:    limitByDay

-- Parameters:    asQueryName, asLimitName, adDate


-- In section <asQueryName>, set custom limit on <asLimitName> to be range

--    between 00:00:00 and 23:59:59 on <adDate>


function limitByDay(asQueryName, asLimitName, adDate) {

// dates are objects & passed by ref - we'll make two new objects

var dStart     = new Date(Date.parse(adDate.toGMTString()));

var dEnd       = new Date(Date.parse(adDate.toGMTString()));


//Start datetime is beginning of supplied date





//End datetime is 1 second to midnight





var oLimit = ActiveDocument.Sections[asQueryName].Limits[asLimitName];








}     // end of limitByDay definition


g_limitByDay = limitByDay;          //Define global version of function





We often find that we are applying the same limit values to multiple sections – either because we are accessing more than one database or because we are running a particularly complex query. This function will let us use variable limits on one query section and then copy these limit values to other sections before they are processed.



--   Function:    copyLimit

-- Parameters:    asSourceSection, asSourceLimitName,

--                            asDestSection,   asDestLimitName


-- Copies the selected CUSTOM values from one limit to another, duplicating

--  other settings (Ignore, Operator, Nulls etc)

-- NOTE: Internal Error on attempt to set limit values on a computed column


function copyLimit(asSourceSection, asSourceLimitName, asDestSection, asDestLimitName) {

var oSourceObj = ActiveDocument.Sections[asSourceSection].Limits[asSourceLimitName]

var oDestObj         = ActiveDocument.Sections[asDestSection].Limits[asDestLimitName]


// read source limit settings

var bIgnore =  oSourceObj.Ignore

var bIncludeNulls    = oSourceObj.IncludeNulls

var nNegate = oSourceObj.Negate

var nOperator  = oSourceObj.Operator

var nSelectedValuesCount = oSourceObj.SelectedValues.Count

var nSelVal


// set the limits on the second query

if (bIgnore) {

            oDestObj.Ignore= true


else {

oDestObj.Ignore = false

   oDestObj.IncludeNulls = bIncludeNulls

   oDestObj.Negate = nNegate

   oDestObj.Operator = nOperator




            for (var i=1; i<=nSelectedValuesCount; i++) {




            } // end for all limit values


} // end else


}     // end of copyLimit definition


g_copyLimit = copyLimit;            //Define global version of function





Copies limit values to a dropdown. We also allow the top value (i.e. the one seen by the user first) to be preset.



--   Function:    copyLimit2DD

-- Parameters:    asSrcSct    - source section name (table or results) on which limit is set

--                            asSrcLmt    - source limit name

--                            asTgtSct    - target section

--                            asTgtDD     - target dropdown name

--                            asTopLbl    - label to add to top of list


-- Populate drop down (or list box) with available limit values

-- & add supplied value to top


-- v1.0  01Jan02  Maddox Ford Created


function copyLimit2DD(asSrcSct, asSrcLmt, asTgtSct, asTgtDD, asTopLbl){

//use pointers for clarity

var oLimit = ActiveDocument.Sections[asSrcSct].Limits[asSrcLmt];

var oDD =  ActiveDocument.Sections[asTgtSct].Shapes[asTgtDD];


//empty the dropdown



//Reset the limit values


var nAvailValues = oLimit.AvailableValues.Count;


//update the dropdown

oDD.Add( asTopLbl );

for (var iVal=1; iVal <= nAvailValues ; iVal++){



}     // end of copyLimit2DD definition


g_copyLimit2DD = copyLimit2DD;            //Define global version of function





Copies a dropdown selection to a limit. Should work on a multi-select list box too.



--   Function:    copyDD2Limit

-- Parameters:    asSrcSct    - source EIS section name, containing dropdown

--                            asSrcDD     - source dropdown name

--                            asTgtSct    - target section name (table or results)

--                            asTgtLmt    - target limit name


-- Populate limit with values selected from DD


-- v1.0  18Feb02  Maddox Ford Created


function copyDD2Limit(asSrcSct, asSrcDD, asTgtSct, asTgtLmt){

//use pointers for clarity

var      oDD =  ActiveDocument.Sections[asSrcSct].Shapes[asSrcDD];

var oLimit = ActiveDocument.Sections[asTgtSct].Limits[asTgtLmt];


//Reset the limit




//update the limit

for (var iRow=1; iRow <= oDD.SelectedValues.Count ; iRow++){




}     // end of copyDD2Limit definition


g_copyDD2Limit = copyDD2Limit;            //Define global version of function




Validation functions

If the user is entering dates onto an EIS page, you’ll need to validate them before using them. Here are a couple of functions to use.



Checks whether a string contains a valid date.

This version is for use with a numeric month, if you use text months, see valDateTxtMonth, below.



--   Function:    valDateNumMonth

-- Parameters:    asIn  -  String to be validated

--     Result:    Returns date or error message as appropriate


-- Is string a date of format d-mm-yy or dmmyy, with 2d or 4d year?


function valDateNumMonth(asIn){

if( asIn.length < 5 || asIn.length > 10 ){return 'Invalid Length'};


//Declare local variables and constants

var nDay, nMonth, nYear, dIn;

var DAYSINMONTH = new Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);

var DELIMITERS = "-/ ._";

var DIGITS = "0123456789"


// 1st character must be a number

if([0]) == -1 ){return "Invalid Day"};


// Split entry into nDay, sMonth, nYear

if([1]) > -1 ){


// Must be d-mm-yy

nDay = Number( asIn[0] );

nMonth = Number(asIn.substr(2, 2));

nYear = Number( asIn.substr(5));


} else {

if([2]) > -1 ){

// Must be dd-mm-yy

nDay = Number( asIn.substr(0, 2) );

nMonth = Number( asIn.substr(3, 2) );

nYear = Number( asIn.substr(6) );


} else {

if( asIn.length == 5 || asIn.length == 7 ){

// Must be dmmyy or dmmyyyy

nDay = Number( asIn[0] );

nMonth = Number( asIn.substr(1, 2) );

nYear = Number( asIn.substr(3) );


} else {

// Must be ddmmyy or ddmmyyyy

nDay = Number( asIn.substr(0, 2) );

nMonth = Number( asIn.substr(2, 2) );

nYear = Number( asIn.substr(4) );





// Valid day number?

if(isNaN(nDay)){return "Invalid Day"};


// Valid month number?

if (isNaN(nMonth)){return "Invalid Month"};


// Valid year number?

if(isNaN(nYear)){return "Invalid Year"};


// Change 2-digit to full year, catering for Y2K

if( nYear <= 50 ){

nYear += 2000;

} else {

if( nYear < 1000 ){nYear += 1900};



// Is this a leap year?

if( nYear%100 == 0 ){

// Year divisible by 100, so must be divisible by 400 to be a leap year

if( nYear%400 == 0 ){DAYSINMONTH[1] = 29};

} else {

// Year not divisible by 100, so must be divisible by 4 to be a leap year

if( nYear%4 == 0 ){DAYSINMONTH[1] = 29};



// Is day appropriate for month?

if( nDay<1 || nDay > DAYSINMONTH[nMonth] ){

return "Invalid Day for Month";



// All checks OK - return date

dIn = new Date(nYear, nMonth, nDay);

return dIn;


}     // end of valDateNumMonth definition


g_valDateNumMonth = valDateNumMonth;            //Define global version of function





Checks whether a string contains a valid date.

This version is for use where month are in text form, if you use numeric months, see valDateNumMonth, above.



--  Function:     valDateTxtMonth

--  Parameters:   asIn  -  String to be validated


-- Is string a date of format d-mmm-yy or dmmmyy, with 2d or 4d year

-- Returns date or error message as appropriate


function valDateTxtMonth(asIn){

if( asIn.length < 6 || asIn.length > 11 ){return 'Invalid Length'};


//Declare local variables and constants

var sMonth, nDay, nMonth, nYear, dIn;

var MONTHS = "janfebmaraprmayjunjulaugsepoctnovdec";

var DAYSINMONTH = new Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);

var DELIMITERS = "-/ ._";

var DIGITS = "0123456789"


// 1st character must be a number

if([0]) == -1 ){return "Invalid Day"};


// Split entry into nDay, sMonth, nYear

if([1]) > -1){


// Must be d-mmm-yy

nDay = Number( asIn[0] );

sMonth = asIn.substr(2, 3);

nYear = Number( asIn.substr(6));


} else {

if([1]) == -1 ){

// Not a delimiter, not a digit, so must be dmmmyy

nDay = Number( asIn[0] );

sMonth = asIn.substr(1, 3);

nYear = Number( asIn.substr(4));


} else {

// Must start with dd....

nDay = Number(asIn.substr(0,2));


if([2]) == -1 ){

// Must be ddmmmyy

sMonth = asIn.substr(2, 3);

nYear = Number( asIn.substr(5));


} else {

// Must be dd-mmm-yy

sMonth = asIn.substr(3, 3);

nYear = Number( asIn.substr(7));





// Valid day number?

if(isNaN(nDay)){return "Invalid Day"};


// Valid 3-letter month?

nMonth =;

if (nMonth%3 != 0){

return "Invalid Month";

} else {

nMonth =  nMonth/3;



// Valid year number?

if(isNaN(nYear)){return "Invalid Year"};


// Change 2-digit to full year, catering for Y2K

if( nYear <= 50 ){

nYear += 2000;

} else {

if( nYear < 1000 ){nYear += 1900};



// Is this a leap year?

if( nYear%100 == 0 ){

// Year divisible by 100, so must be divisible by 400 to be a leap year

if( nYear%400 == 0 ){DAYSINMONTH[1] = 29};

} else {

// Year not divisible by 100, so must be divisible by 4 to be a leap year

if( nYear%4 == 0 ){DAYSINMONTH[1] = 29};



// Is day appropriate for month?

if( nDay<1 || nDay > DAYSINMONTH[nMonth] ){

return "Invalid Day for Month";



// All checks OK - return date

dIn = new Date(nYear, nMonth, nDay);

return dIn;


}     // end of valDateTxtMonth definition


g_valDateTxtMonth = valDateTxtMonth;            //Define global version of function




Formatting functions

You can usually rely on Brio to format data for you. When you are writing formatted numbers onto an EIS page you’ll have to do the formatting by hand and JavaScript doesn’t have built in formatting capabilities.



Simple formatting of a number to n decimal places.



--   Function:    formatToDP

-- Parameters:    anNum, anDP

--     Result:    Returns text string with number <anNum> formatted to <anDP> places


function formatToDP(anNum, anDP){

      var sNum


// eliminate fractional part for now

anNum = Math.round(anNum*Math.pow(10,anDP));

sNum = anNum.toString();


if (anDP != 0) {

// decimal place required

            sNum = sNum.slice(0,(sNum.length - anDP)) + ' .'  + sNum.slice(sNum.length - anDP)



return sNum


}     // end of formatToDP definition


g_formatToDP = formatToDP;          //Define global version of function





Currency formatting, adds a currency symbol, puts commas into the number and formats to  n decimal places.



--   Function:    formatCurrency

-- Parameters:    anAmount, anDP


-- Returns text string of number <anAmount> formatted to <anDP> places

-- (usually 2 or 0), with separators every third place

-- and a currency symbol prefix


function formatCurrency(anAmount,anDP){

      //Define Constants – edit to suit requirements


var SEPARATOR = ',' ;


//Define Local variables

var nPoint;

var sOutput = '';                      //blank

var sNum;


// round to right number of decimal places

// eliminate fractional part for now

anAmount = Math.round(anAmount*Math.pow(10,anDP));

sNum = anAmount.toString();


if (anDP != 0) {

// decimal place required

sNum = sNum.slice(0,(sNum.length - anDP)) + '.'  + sNum.slice(sNum.length - anDP);



// standard format function to here,  now add the Separators & Currency


nPoint = sNum.indexOf('.');

if (nPoint == -1) { nPoint = sNum.length};


for (var i=0 ; i < nPoint; i++) {

if (((nPoint - i)%3 == 0)&&( i!=0)) {

sOutput += SEPARATOR;


sOutput += sNum.substr(i,1);



sOutput += anum.substr(nPoint); // fails gracefully for 0 DP


return CURRENCYSYMBOL + sOutput;


    // end of formatCurrency definition


g_formatCurrency  = formatCurrency;             //Define global version of function





Formats a Javascript date as a string of form dd/mm/yy.



--   Function:    fmtDateNumMonth

-- Parameters:    adDate - Javascript date

--     Result:    String as dd/mm/yy


function fmtDateNumMonth(adDate){

   //Format day

   var sDay = adDate.getDate();

   if (sDay <= 9 ) {sDay = '0' + sDay} ;


   //Format month - NB: JavaScript months start at 0

   var sMonth = adDate.getMonth()+1;

   if  (sMonth <= 9) { sMonth  = '0' +sMonth };


   //Format Year

   var sYear = adDate.getFullYear();


   var sDateString = sDay +'/' + sMonth +'/' + sYear;      


   return sDateString;


}     // end of fmtDateNumMonth definition


g_fmtDateNumMonth = fmtDateNumMonth;      //define global version of function





Set All columns in given section to 'autofit'



--   Function: autofitAllCols

-- Parameters: asSctName  - Name of section


-- Set All columns in given section to 'autofit'


-- v1.0  01Jan02  Maddox Ford Created


function autofitAllCols( asSctName ) {


      //Consider all columns in section

var oColumns = ActiveDocument.Sections[asSctName].Columns;

var iColCnt = oColumns.Count;


for(var iCol = 1; iCol <= iColCnt; iCol++){




} // end of autofitAllCols definition


g_autofitAllCols = autofitAllCols;





There’s always a section like this – i.e. the functions that can’t be categorised!



Used to create code128 barcodes for reports that have barcodes on them.



--   Function:    makeCode128

-- Parameters:    asData      -  Data Value to be encoded

--     Result:    code 128 string for barcoding


-- takes a data value and creates a code 128 string for barcoding

-- assumes the use of the AdvC128 font from bizfonts


-- this version sticks with Character set A

-- adapted from an example supplied in

-- "Visual Basic / VBA Functions for Bar Code Fonts 2.11"

-- "Copyright,, Inc. 2000. All rights reserved."


function makeCode128(asData){

//Define constants

var STARTDIGIT = 203;            //Start Digit for Character Set A

var STOPDIGIT = 206;


//Following not used in this function

//var STARTDIGIT = 204;          //Start Digit for Character Set B

//var STARTDIGIT = 205;          //Start Digit for Character Set C

//var FNC1DIGIT  = 202;


//Define local variables

var sCodedData = "";

var nCheckDigit = 0;

var nTotal = STARTDIGIT - 100;   // A character set weighted value is  char - 100


      //Only code non-null string

if (asData != null ) {


            //Loop for each character to calculate check sum

            for (var i=0;i<asData.length;i++) {

                  if (asData.charCodeAt(i) < 135 ) {

                        nTotal = nTotal +( (1+i) *(asData.charCodeAt(i) -32) );

                  } else {

                        nTotal = nTotal +( (1+i) *(asData.charCodeAt(i) -100) );




   nCheckDigit = nTotal%103;

            if (nCheckDigit == 0 ) {

                  nCheckDigit = 194

   } else if (nCheckDigit < 95 ) {

                  nCheckDigit  += 32

   } else {

         nCheckDigit  += 100



   sCodedData = String.fromCharCode(STARTDIGIT);         //start

            sCodedData += asData;                                             //data

   sCodedData += String.fromCharCode(nCheckDigit); //checksum

            sCodedData += String.fromCharCode(STOPDIGIT);         //stop


} // end if not null argument


return sCodedData


    // end of function definition


g_makeCode128 = makeCode128;        //Define global version of function






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